
Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to deal with negativity about your diet

I have been raw till 4 for a very short time. It's kinda funny that the only time people started to care about what I ate, was when I started eating the way I do now. Is it really that ridiculous that you can get all the calories & nutrients that you need from eating fruit?
The following is a list of times that my diet has caused problems

  1.  Going grocery shopping. I seriously always get asked what I am going to do with all those bananas? I always reply that I am going to eat them all, by myself, which gets a few laughs and stares. I even had a woman ask me if I owned a monkey. Seriously though my cart is usually filled with only fruits & veggies, rice & beans. It feels good to know everything that I am putting into my body, no chemicals just the good stuff. 
  2. Friends: Usually this only causes a problem if we are going out to eat, but I do get the occasional, is that really all you are going to eat? or the infamous you eat like a rabbit. I am totally cool with that. You respect my way of life, and I won't judge yours. I do like to post videos and Instagram posts promoting Vegan-ism, but I will NEVER force someone to do it, or make them feel bad cause they are not vegan. I simply feel better not eating meat, and honestly couldn't imagine going back to it in a million years. 
  3. Family: This one, this one is a doozy sometimes. My mom gets sad cause she cannot cook for me, my dad calls me a rabbit and does not want to go anywhere to eat that is Vegan friendly, so I don't go eat with him. I also have family members that say that because of their level of activity they could not survive on my diet. Truth is anyone can thrive off this diet. Even if you bike 15 miles a day, or play basketball, and go for runs. Getting all of your calories from plants is not hard, and the effects on your health are incredible. Everyone in my family is pretty healthy except for me. (I blame it on being the middle child) I wear glasses, have Celiacs disease,  lactose intolerance, acne, IBS and to top it off a weak immune system. Although I have all of these problems, I have never felt better since I became Vegan. I feel a lot more alive, my brain is healing (Brain Surgery June of 2013), I feel more active, I am a lot more pleasant and happy, I can walk for long distances, exercise without sweating really, and BEST of all NO DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS!! 
  4. Work: So far I haven't had to deal with any problems at work, except that every single occasion seems to involve food that I cannot eat. I work at a school and everyone brings cupcakes, pizza, ice cream or other foods to celebrate occasions. I am going to start working over 40 hours a week, and I know that my calorie intake is going to need to increase dramatically to keep up. My plan? To add more dates to my smoothies and to eat fruit more often throughout the day! I am also bringing two Date smoothies to work to recharge me!! Although this diet calls for you to get most of your calories from fruit till dinner, I plan on eating nuts as well, especially since I have not been hitting the minimum recommended amount of protein and fats a day. 
  5. The Internet: For me, this one is so ridiculous. I have an instagram account, I get about one person every week going on a post of mine and criticizing the raw till 4 diet. I usually delete their comments, sometimes I argue, then delete their comments. Who cares what someone across the world eats? I NEVER go one to peoples pages and leave mean comments, but I do offer help to people who ask for it. Learning to just delete and block for those meanies out there who like to harrass you and say you are going to get fat eating all those carbs.
Take what everyone ELSE says with a grain of salt. If you are feeling good, looking good and loving the raw till 4 lifestyle than who cares what anyone else has to say about it!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is nomasoyo from Instagram. I follow you there. I like your blog. I've been eating vegan 1 week and I've gone to the grocery store twice to get lots of bananas and both times I've gotten the "why are you buying so many bananas!!!???!" Lol jeez. Eat them,make smoothies , freeze them... Lots of things. Lol
