
Sunday, September 7, 2014

My new favorite breakfast smoothie!

So in a previous post I talked about how I was going to start working more hours, and the breaks when I can eat will be hours apart. So in the morning I need my smoothie to be supercharged! My solution? Adding pb2 to my smoothie! This concoction was super delicious, you can also add the hazelnut/chocolate pb2 and it tastes just as great. I added pb2 to have some protein, which is known to help keep you fuller for longer, without the added fat of nut butters.
800 calories! I eat a couple oranges as well for a total of 1000 calories for breakfast 

15-17 soaked dates (overnight soaked) 
3 frozen bananas 
1 cup of apple juice or 2 apples 
2-4 tablespoons of pb2 powder*
Filtered water to brim of smoothie machine (do not overfill) 

 Blend and enjoy!!! 

*sub soaked almonds or other nut of your choice. Adding less will not give you as much protein but 4 tablespoons does give you a nutty smoothie 

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