
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Organic Skin Care for Acne: My routine

Acne is a touchy subject for me. I used to have problems with it majorly in high-school, then got rid of it using a Acne Free Severe 3 step system. I was fine and dandy, until I had brain surgery. A couple months after my acne started coming back, more severe than ever before. Nothing was working, none of the old medicine was working and my skin looked horrible. After going gluten free, then eventually Vegan my skin started to clear up, but was still pretty bad. I had tried several make-ups that gave me allergic reactions and my skin is severely scarred from the horrible bouts of acne from trying to "cure" my acne. I found a website that has a very helpful Online Tool where you can enter the ingredient list for a product you are using and see what comodegenic (pore clogging, acne causing)  ingredients it has. Literally every one of my products had at least 2 ingredients that were pore-clogging, even the acne medication I was using was bad for my skin. So in light of this I decided to try natural skin-care products that had good reviews on the web. My skin was dry from benzyl peroxide, flaky, sore, covered in pimples, and red. I decided to try some online natural solutions for acne, and the results were nothing short of amazing. No more dry skin, no more cheek acne, and best of all my face was starting to heal. Of course I still have scars and a few pimples here and there during my period, or if I touch dirty things on my face (phone! clean your phone, it has tons of bacteria,if you have acne by your ear this is why), but in general my skin is back to its normal self. I can wear make-up and feel comfortable. Being on Raw till 4 has also helped, my skin is glowing and my scars are clearing up very fast, if I eat dairy or gluten, I will break out so sticking to the diet has kept me severe breakout free. The following is my skin care routine.


  1. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (everyday)
  2. Dessert Essence Organic Lavender and tea tree oil (everyday)
  3. Queen Helene Ming Julep Masque (2x a week) 
  4. Simple Ultra-Light gel Moisturizer (everyday) 
  5. Need help quick?! Follow my routine, but add Neutrogena on the spot acne treatment directly to your pimples, not all over face. Add after you have applied, tea tree oil (let dry), before you use the gel moisturizer, let dry then moisturize. ONLY do this if you have a severe break out you are trying to clear up, and want to prevent scarring.
Morning & Night:  

Add water to clean bowl 

Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider Vinegar to water (less if you have sensitive skin) 
Dip cotton round in mixture and smooth over face (gently), do this several face until you feel your face is clean. (This is a face rinse!! make sure to clean your face thoroughly, I do not use soap) 

Pat dry face, make sure to be really gentle. Part of the inflammation in acne comes from us over scrubbing. 

Dot tea tree oil, directly on acne, let dry then use moisturizer. 

Once or twice a week use a mask to help deep clean your skin. 

Pimple Treatment, to get rid of them fast: 

Use cotton bowl to apply apple cider vinegar directly to pimple, gently pat on pimple. Leave for 5 minutes then follow routine. You may want to use Neutrogena's on the spot acne treatment to help, I would not use this all the time, it has horrible effects on your skin with prolonged use, just use it till you get your acne under control. If you have a white head, ready to burst, applying the apple cider vinegar will pop it, make sure to cleanse it thoroughly and be very gentle, to prevent scarring. 

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